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9-10 months

What is separation anxiety? How can we help our baby to adjust in daycare or with caregivers?

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Around 8 months of age, some babies start to experience separation anxiety. When your baby clings or cries as you leave, parting can be hard on both of you :( Don’t worry: they’ll get through it. Separation anxiety is a sign of both cognitive and social-emotional growth, and it can look different for every child. It’s a normal developmental reaction as the world for babies is expanding. Right now, the key is to give your baby the tools to manage their feelings and help them trust that you will return—and that they will be safe until you do.
At the moment, the most important thing is to help the baby to understand the feelings and help them to handle them. Let’s take a look at few steps that we can take: Create a quick parting ritual Sneaking out might look like the easiest way but we are trying to fool the baby and excuse ourselves from the situation. We should instead explain the situation to them and tell them exactly what’s going to happen. Give your child the full attention when you are about to leave them. Tell them that you are leaving. Look at them and smile reassuringly while kissing or hugging them say I Love you or Bye Explain when you will be back and then head out the door. Keep it short and sweet and be calm and confident around the baby, it gives confidence too. Don’t stay for longer or keep coming back and checking on them as they might get confused. Try to give them a positive distraction It’s a great idea to give them a positive/ constructive distraction while you are going away. You can ask the caregiver to try the following; Play with a toy which they get to see only when you leave Sing them song when you leave Get them out to a park or outside where it’s safe and let them explore Do a fun activity like art or dance When you come back to your baby, give your baby lots of love and cuddles/hugs and tell them how happy you are to be back. This will help them to secure trust and attachment between you and the baby ❤️

Written by: kizoplay

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