Level 1 Play Box"Hello World!"


Dumbell Rattle
Small enough for your newborn to grasp, this rattle develops hand control and auditory sense with enclosed bells

Montessori Puzzle Ball
A Montessori classic, perfect for grasping, rolling and kicking from legs

Flashcard Holder
Perfect for stimulating the baby's developing vision and language comprehension, and is great for tummy time

Black & White Crochet Rattle
Works with baby's natural reflexes to develop her grasp, concentration and sound tracking

Black & White Cot Mobile
High-contrast geometric patterns develop your baby's vision and ignites their inherent mathematical sense

Crochet Batting Ball
Introduces cause and effect and strengthens the connection between the left and right sides of the brain through movement

Simple Black & White Card Set
Develops and strengthen your baby's vision. Stimulates brain growth

Complex Black & White Card Set
Variying complex patterns builds concentration and provides visual stimulation

Play Guide for Weeks 0–12
Tips on how to use the products to promote learning & development, research-based expert answers to parenting questions and at-home activity ideas